Pasta with Sugo di Pomodoro

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  • 1 x Strazzanti Sugo di Pomodoro
  • 250g Pasta Linguine
  • Pecorino Cheese
  • Strazzanti Extra virgin olive oil
  • OR create using our Sugo di Pomodoro 
    Wine Pairings

    • Centopassi, Giato Rosso
    • COS, Nero du Lupo

A staple to each of our households this dish is full of nostalgia for us. This classic tomato sauce was passed down to us from our Nonno. We’ve captured the warm memories of his sauce using freshly picked Sicilian tomatoes made into a Passata which is then cooked with local garlic, basil and Sicilian extra virgin olive oil where the olives are grown in Chiaramonte Gulfi using 100% Tonda Iblea monocultivar. We love it served with linguine and lashings of pecorino cheese! It also makes a perfect base for any other tomato based Italian sauces.


To start, take a saucepan to cook the pasta and fill with water and bring to the boil. Once boiling add a good pinch of salt and start to cook the pasta according to the cooking guidelines.

In a separate saucepan pour in the jar of Strazzanti Sugo and turn the heat on low and gently cook on a low simmer for a few minutes. Drizzle in 2 tbsp’s of the Strazzanti extra virgin olive oil and mix well into the sauce.

Drain the pasta and add it into the sauce mixing well and add in 15g of grated Pecorino cheese and mix all together over a low heat for 30 seconds.

Turn off the heat and serve with an extra drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and more Pecorino cheese grated on top!


If your sauce is looking a little dry add in a few tbsp’s of the pasta water.

Buon Appetito!